Every cigar ritual starts with the humidor, an exquisite wooden box — or entire room — which requires a steady level of humidity (like the name implies) to properly store cigars, maintain their flavor and prevent them from drying out. A stable temperature ensures the cigar will taste as the maker intended.
Enter the Humidor aboard Evrima. This intimate enclave is nestled on the top deck, where elegant, wooden cigar boxes abound, housing an array of handmade cigars, along with a selection of premium cognac, whiskey and other liquors. This well-appointed-yet-cozy space is the perfect place to cap off a day at sea, as there are few things more refined and relaxing than enjoying a cigar with a glass in hand.
Humidors properly store cigars to maintain their flavor.
A Lavish Cigar Experience
After the sun sets, the Humidor is the place to be. The sleek cocktail and cigar lounge features a special cocktail program and a full list of premium cigars. Deep suede chairs rest inside the richly decorated room, while dark wood furnishings and brass and marble accents round out the space. Take your pick from a connoisseur's selection of several fine cigars curated exclusively by Swiss cigar legend Davidoff, and which our team cuts to perfection and lights for your pleasure. Kick back with a full-bodied panatela (“Signature No. 2”), a creamy and wonderfully opulent corona gorda (“Escurio”) or a deliciously balanced petit corona (“Romeo Y Julieta 10 Mille Fleurs”) — to name just a few of our first-rate wares.
Cigars & Spirits: A Perfect Pair
The Humidor’s top-shelf spirits include some of the world’s best tequilas, mezcals, cognacs, bourbons, rums and single malts. Our Macallan Experience represents the crème de la crème of whiskies, with several rare bottles on offer. These include the Rare Cask, which is crafted with hard-to-come-by, sherry-seasoned oak casks; the incredibly rich and complex No. 6; and, the iconic M single malt-scotch, a luxurious and exceptional spirit. At the Humidor, every bottle is handpicked, every cocktail is made with extreme care, and the rich aromas and distinct flavors of your cigar-and-cocktail combo sets the stage for a knockout.
The Macallan Experience offers several rare whiskies for sampling.
Pairing a fine cigar with the right drink amplifies the flavors of both, so it’s important to match the body of the spirit to the body of the cigar. For instance, a full-bodied cigar pairs best with a bold, full-bodied bourbon while a medium-bodied cigar goes nicely with a rum and a light-bodied cigar is an ideal match for a mild whiskey.
The Humidor is a haven tailored for aficionados of fine cigars. While it caters to the preferences of cigar enthusiasts, its charm creates a welcoming and convivial setting for all.